A Doctor Who Review: Silence in the Library

The Tenth Doctor takes Donna to a planet-sized library. They find it empty of human life, with countless other living beings. An information kiosk warns them to "count the shadows". An expedition led by River Song, brings the cryptic last message sent from the library: "4022 saved, No survivors". The Doctor soon realises that the paper which the libraries books were made from the wood of a forest inhabited by microscopic creatures called the "Vashta Nerada".

My Thoughts
I personally thought this was an excellent episode. The whole concept was amazing and really gives you the kind shivery feeling that you want from a show like this. I love the dark vibe of the episode which makes it one of my favourites and I think it is a great episode to watch if you're new to Doctor Who. I won't say much more as I don't want to spoil it. Silence in the Library is a two part episode. The second part is called Forest of the Dead.

Synopsis with TARDIS Wiki


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