A Doctor Who Review: The Forest Of The Dead

Donna is gone, the Vashta Nerada are still on the hunt for human flesh and the Doctor is running out of options. Fast. Should he trust the mysterious River Song, a woman who claims to be from his future? Why would his future self have told her his real name? And why would his future self have given her his sonic screwdriver? Even if they do work together, can anyone stop the shadows from claiming them all?

My Thoughts
This episode ended the story perfectly. It still had that eerie feel to it and the plot had lots of twists, also I really loved the way each part of the episode was tied to the end. This episode does leave some unanswered questions, but they are all answered in later episodes. River Song is an amazing and complicated character that you'll probably fall in love with, she also appears plenty of times later on in the show. Overall I think it's an episode that will really stick with you. The Forest Of The Dead is a two part episode. The first part is Silence In The Library.

Synopsis with TARDIS Wiki


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