My Favourite Reads 2017

 Hi all, I've read a lot of books this year, but there were a few I think deserve a special mention. Here are a few of my favourite books I've read this year...

 The Maleficent Seven by Derek Landy

Derek Landy wrote one of my favourite series but this book was a cut above the rest.

 Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

I really loved the feel of this book. It was dark, brooding and intense at the same time.

 Maze Runner by James Dashner

This book was terrific! It really captured the feeling of fear whilst making the characters still seem mature.

The Girl In The Steel Corset by Kady Cross

I really felt that this book was something special. I don't know how, but Kady Kross makes you feel as if you have a personal connection with each of the characters.

Unhinged by A. G. Howard

This book had a really complicated plot and it totally engrossed me.

Race To The End Of The World by A. L. Tait

This book was really smart. It made you figure things out as you read.

My Royal Story: Cleopatra by Kristiana Gregory

I really loved reading this book. The author shed a new light over Cleopatra's story.


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