Book Review: The Sapphire Cutlass

The Sapphire Cutlass by Sharon Gosling. This was an excellent way to end the Diamond Thief trilogy (here are the other two books in the trilogy The Diamond Thief, The Ruby Airship ). In this book the Ruby Airship's crew, Remy, Thaddeus, J and Dita, have travelled into the Indian jungle and have been captured (along with Remy's puzzle box) by the Raja. They have been taken prisoner to his palace, all except for Remy, who plans their escape. She journeys to the Raja's palace and is surprised to find an old friend who is also a prisoner. Remy eventually does rescue her friends and puzzle box, with Desai's help, and she is given two choices: help her friends defeat the ancient evil of the Sapphire Cutlass, which has been threatening terror, death and destruction for centuries: or the chance to possibly be reunited with her long-lost brother. Which will she choose?

I really enjoyed this book. It had a few twists which I didn't expect so was really interesting and it also had a great ending. I would recommend this book for ages 10+ as it has some supernatural and paranormal themes which younger children might not understand. An enjoyable book.


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